Premise one: Civilization is not and can never be sustainable 文明不是也永遠不可能是永續的

Premise one: Civilization is not and
can never be sustainable


翻譯:李秀蓮  /  潤稿:李秀蓮、Corey sanderson
來源:Derrick Jensen, Deep Green Resistance, 

文明不是也永遠不可能是永續的。文明是一種需要藉由無休止剝削人們及土地才能維續的一種,對不永續生活方式無益沉溺的文化類型。 文明是一種被定義為軍國主義、擴張及征服的文化。 文明的字根來自拉丁文的“civitatas”,意指國家或城市。一直以來我都將城市定義為居住規模大到需要輸入資源的狀態,也就是說我現在所居住的托洛瓦島的島民因為未居住於城市中所以是不文明的。他們不需任何島外資源挹注,已在這個島嶼自給自足地生活了至少10,500年。

Civilization is not and can never be sustainable. This is especially true for industrial civilization.  Civilization is a type of culture fueled by the perpetual exploitation of peoples and lands in a futile addiction to an unsustainable lifestyle.  Civilization is a culture that’s defined by militarism, by expansion, by conquest. Civilization comes from the root civitatas which means state of or city.  A city I’ve defined as people living in numbers large enough to require the importation of resources.  What that means is that the Tolowa on whose land I now live weren’t civilized because they weren’t living in cities.  They didn’t require the importation of resources.  They lived on what the land was able to supply and they were living here for at least 10,500 years.


So civilization can only exist because of agriculture.  That’s what comes first.  What agriculture is, I mean just really bluntly, you take a piece of land, you clear every living thing off it and I mean down to the bacteria and then you just plant it for humans.  It’s mass extinction and right now we are losing 200 species every single day.  So all the prairies, all the forests, any place that you could grow those crops has been taken over and it’s quite grim when you think about it.  99% of forests are gone and 99% of the original prairies are gone. They have been cleared away. Another problem is that every time you do this, you’re destroying the soil.  Soil is alive.  One table spoon of soil can contain over a billion living creatures.  It is the most dense habitat on the planet and we’ve blown through it all.



If you exploit your surroundings, you will deplete them and die.  The only way to survive in the long run is to give back more than you take.  A defining feature of civilization is its reliance on the taking of these resources from the surrounding countryside.  Meaning first, that no city has ever been or even will be sustainable on its own and second, that in order to continue this ceaseless expansion of cities, there must be ceaseless expansion areas that are hyperexploited.  There’s the place that’s extracted from, the people that are enslaved, the species driven to extinction and then brought to the city turned into money and waste products.  It’s hard to find a city that isn’t a labor camp, that isn’t a producer of barren landscapes.


Cities are concrete and glass and metal and electric lights, and they are the most disconnected devoid of anything life giving that I’ve come across.  The land base can’t support the people who live there.  There can’t be enough resources, so it inevitably leads to genocide and violence and imperialism.  The horrors are neverending,  really we are in the midst of causing the sixth mass extinction and species are dying at a rate at which there’s no previous historical account for.  There is so little left of intact natural communities.

我想對於處在文明之中的大多數人而言,去揣度世界真正的樣貌跟世界是如何豐饒是很困難的。舊金山第一批探險家曾說海灣看起來就像被海獅鋪滿了般;新英格蘭海岸邊曾有數量龐大的鯨魚,他們的氣息(呼吸)讓海面總是霧茫茫一片;鱈魚群曾多到試圖穿越他們的船隻必須減速;曾有旅鴿群連續多日遮蔽天空。文明以降,人類已摧毀了80%野生哺乳類動物、50%植物、90%大型魚類、50%珊瑚礁以及40%浮游生物。地球上現存的哺乳類動物96%是家畜與人類,只有4%是野生動物。這是一場零和遊戲,我們的得益皆是從他者奪取而來。也許有人會說:「哎呀!有一天我們會打造出永續城市的啦!」 然而,不會!我們不可能打造出永續城市,這是不可能的!

I think it would be difficult for a lot of people within civilization to even fathom how plentiful the world really was and really should be.  The first explorer of San Francisco said that it looked like the bay was paved with sea lions.  There were so many whales off the coast of New England that was pretty much perpetually foggy their breath.  The schools of cod were so thick, they would literally slow down the ships that tried to sail through them.  There were flocks of passenger pigeons that would darken the sky for days at a time.  Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has caused the loss of 80% of wild mammals and 50% of plants, 90% of large fish, 50% of coral reefs, and 40% of plankton have been wiped out.  Of all the mammals now on earth, 96% are livestock and humans, only 4% are wild mammals.  It’s a zero sum game what we have, we have because we took it, from someone else.  Some people might say:「Well, one day we’ll make sustainable cities.」and we won’t.  You can’t make sustainable cities.  It’s impossible. 



As individuals, we don’t really have the right to say no in this system, whether you live in a democracy or an authoritarian regime.  You don’t vote on civilization.  You don’t vote on industrialization.  That’s not up for debate in this society and that’ s what we need to change.  We need to get to the root of these problems.  Civilization is not─is definitely not the only way to live. 


Are we addicted to it?  Yes!We’ve been raised addicted but we can come clean and we can fight to force the rest of the human race and particularly those in power to do so, too.  We need to ask questions like what does nature want? What does the depths of our soul want? What does the wild animal of our heart and body want? And envision a life for ourselves and for future generations based on that.

